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It is the mission of STEM Middle Academy to support STEM Literacy and Global Citizenship for all our students, families, and staff. We employ the knowledge and skills from the dynamic and interwoven fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to explore the world, expand our knowledge and understanding, solve problems, and work for the common good.


Philosophy of Education 

SCIENCE: Inquiry and experimentation to build and organize knowledge and to make predictions about the universe. Scientists ask questions and answer them with evidence.


TECHNOLOGY: Tools and processes to explore and to solve problems. All humans make and use various types of tools, from simple to sophisticated.


ENGINEERING: The process of applying knowledge to solve problems. Engineers use scientific knowledge, mathematical skills, and a wide range of technologies to design and build structures and systems, while considering environmental, political, economic, and sociological impacts on society.


MATHEMATICS: The study of number, shape, and measurement. Mathematicians use data and rules of deductive argument to make and justify meaning.


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